[Shiina Ecchigawa] Akane Kurokawa

[Shiina Ecchigawa] Akane Kurokawa
Hi everyone! Akane Kurokawa's animation is finally finished! I'm really sorry I made you wait until the last minute, the illumination variations required an insane amount of work that I didn't see coming (ノ´Д`) This is the first time I use this type of illumination, so I also had to learn new editing techniques (❁´ω`❁) I really hope you like the final result (^O^) Voice acting by amazing @DelaliciousVA (voice pack) Here's the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/yjmcv5xghj7a1lqqhvweu/h?rlkey=3o6lkqxes9y00em97dcuwghna&dl=0 EDIT: I just updated the file with some small video and audio improvements (^O^) I'm only including the DAYLIGHT version in the $6 tier, but there are two special illumination variations in the $10 tier and above. I'll be posting them in just a few minutes ✧٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧
Some text some message..